
  • Consulting and Advice
  • Research and analysis of semiconductor technology and market trend
  • Tutorial, Lecture and Education
                         (Plotted by Widevil based on ISSCC data)
  Over the past 10 years, the bit density of NAND flash memory has grown more than 30 times. Our lives are now supported by semiconductor memories and processsors. Japanese semiconductor industry is said to have declined, but more than 30% of the world's NAND flash memory is made in Japan.
Yoshihiro Hirota
 Kyoto Lab for a Greener Future, KIT
 QUBECS by Moonshot, JST
NEDIA Forum Kyoto
VLSISystemLab, KIT
Hook landing
at Komatsu
F22 at Kadena
F35B at Iwakuni
 Honolulu 2023

Profile of Yoshihiro Hirota

  Yoshihiro Hirota was born in 1961 in Kyoto, Japan. He graduated from Kyoto Institute of Technology at 1985, and received a master’s degree from the same university at 1987, with his main study in atomic level crystal structure analysis with High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy. After the graduating from the university, he joined in Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. at 1987, and started his industry career mainly in CMOS device and process technology. He was working for the device development and process integration of 2.0~0.8 micro meter generation SRAMs and CMOS logic devices such as gate array device in the company. He jointed to Advance Technology Research Laboratories, Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd. at 1991. He worked for CMOS process design to develop some image processing LSIs, a CMOS imager and a test DRAM with a planar type capacitor to evaluate Si wafer quality in the company. He was offered to Innotech Corporation for photo pixel design and process integration of a unique CMOS imager with one ring MOSFET in 2000.
  At 2001, he joined to Tokyo Electron Ltd., and had been a group manager for FEOL process modules development. He worked for SPA, which stands for Slot Plane Antenna plasma process tool, application process development and for propagation of SPA products to customers widely between 2005 and 2009. He was a senior manager and working for FEOL process group leader, Leading edge Process Development Center between 2010 and 2016. He was a Project Leader, Memory Technology Project, and working for Device Technology Planning Dept. in HQ of Tokyo Electron Ltd.
  He retired from Tokyo Electron Ltd. at September, 2021. He is Representative, Widevil now. And also he is a Program Cordinator, Kyoto Lab for a Greener Future, Kyoto Institute of Technology from September 2022 to now. He is also in charge of a part-time lecture in a class of the Graduate School of Electronic Systems, Kyoto Institute of Technology in 2024.

  1. Program Coordinator; Kyoto Lab for a Greener Future, Kyoto Institute of Technology
  2. Vice Chair; Program Committee, Electron Device Forum Kyoto, NEDIA
  3. Instructor; Electronic Device Training Course (Iintermediate Course), NEDIA
  4. Instructor; Summer/Winter Camp of The Planarization and CMP Technical Committee, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
  5. Instructor; Autumn Seminer, Total Process Solution Study-Group
  6. Consultant; Tokyo Electron Limited.


  1. High-Resolution Electron Microscopy of BaxK2-xFexTi6-xO13 Crystals in Polar-Glass State:
    M. Shiojiri, T. Maeda, Y. Hirota, T. Isshiki, S. Sekimoto, K. Iwauchi and Y. Ikeda, J. Microscopy 142, (1986) 223.
  2. High-Resolution Electron Microscopy of R- and J-type Ferrites in Cellular Random System:
    M. Shiojiri, T. Maeda, Y. Hirota, T. Isshiki and S. Sekimoto, Proc. 3rd Japanese-Chinese Seminar on Electron Microscopy (Hangzhou, China, 1985) 51.
  3. HRTEM Observation of Cu-Te Crystals Growth by a Solid-Solid Reaction:
    T. Isshiki, T. Maeda, K. Okashita, Y. Hirota, S. Sekimoto and M. Shiojiri, Electron Microscopy 1986, [Proc. XI int. Cong. on Electron Microscopy 34 (1986)] Vol. 1 p865.
  4. HRTEM Observation of Te and Se Crystals:
    M. Shiojiri, T. Isshiki, and Y. Hirota, Electron Microscopy 1986, [Proc. XI int. Cong. on Electron Microscopy 34 (1986)] Vol. 1 p821.
  5. HRTEM Observation of Clusters of Polarized Lattice Ions in BaxK2-xFexTi6-xO13 Crystals:
    M. Shiojiri, M. Maeda, Y. Hirota, T. Isshiki and S. Sekimoto, Electron Microscopy 1986, [Proc. XI int. Cong. on Electron Microscopy 34 (1986)] Vol. 1 p795.
  6. HRTEM Observation of Magnetic Clusters and Crystal Structures of Spin-Glass BaTi2-xSnxFe4O11:
    M. Maeda, Y. Hirota, T. Isshiki, S. Sekimoto and M. Shiojiri, Electron Microscopy 1986, [Proc. XI int. Cong. on Electron Microscopy 34 (1986)] Vol. 1 p793.
  7. HRTEM Investigation of the ZrO2-CaO System:
    Y. Hirota, T. Isshiki, M. Maeda, S. Sekimoto and M. Shiojiri, Electron Microscopy 1986, [Proc. XI int. Cong. on Electron Microscopy 34 (1986)] Vol. 2 p1663.
  8. Crystal Structure and Magnetic Properties of BaTi2-xSnxFe4O11:
    M. Shiojiri, M. Maeda, T. Isshiki, Y. Hirota, S. Sekimoto, Y. Ikeda and K. Iwauchi, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 97 (1986) 231.
  9. Growth and Transformation of Cu-Te Crystals Produced by a Solid-Solid Reaction:
    M. Shiojiri, T. Isshiki, K. Okashita, Y. Hirota, M. Maeda and S. Sekimoto, J. Cryst. Growth 83 (1987) 421-430.
  10. High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopic Observations of Grain Boundaries and Surface on Cu-Te Crystals Grown by a Solid-Solid Reaction:
    M. Shiojiri, T. Isshiki, K. Okashita, Y. Hirota, M. Maeda and S. Sekimoto, Ultramicroscopy 23 (1987) 355-364.
  11. A High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopic Study of ZrO2-CaO Films:
    M. Shiojiri, Y. Hirota, T. Isshiki, M. Maeda and S. Sekimoto, Thin Solid Films, 162 (1988) 235.
  12. The Growth of CuSe Crystals and the Structure of Cu1-xSe Crystal Produced by a Solid-Solid Reaction:
    M. Shiojiri, Y. Hirota, K. Okashita, and S. Sekimoto, Recent Development of Electron Microscopy 1987. [Proc. 4th Chinese-Japanese Electron Microscopy Seminar, Kunming, 1987] (Business Center Academic Soc. Jpn., Tokyo, 1988) p33.
  13. A High-Resolution Electron Microscopy of Solid-Solid Reaction of Chalconide Film:
    M. Shiojiri, K. Okashita, Y. Hirota, S. Sekimoto and H. Okabe, Electron Microscopy 1988. [Proc. 4th Asia-Pacific Conf. on Electron Microscopy, Bangkok, 1988] (Electron Mics. Soc. Thailand, Bangkok, 1988) p155.
  14. Structure and Crystallization of Vaccum-Deposited Amorphous Selenium Film:
    M. Shiojiri, Y. Hirota, K. Okashita, T. Isshiki and T. Kawamura, Electron Microscopy 1988. [Proc. 4th Asia-Pacific Conf. on Electron Microscopy, Bangkok, 1988] (Electron Microscopy Soc. Thailand, Bangkok, 1988) p235.
  15. High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy of Inorganic Materials in Cellular and Toplogical Randam System :
    M. Shiojiri, Y. Hirota, T. Isshiki, K. Okashita and S. Sekimoto, J. Electron Microscopy Technique, 12 (1989) 281-295. (Invited paper to “The Electron Microscopy of Japan”)
  16. High-Resolution Electron Microscopy Observation of a Solid-solid Reaction of Tellurium Film with Silver:
    M. Shiojiri, T. Isshiki, Y. Hirota and K. Okashita, Bul. Instit. Chem. Res. Kyoto Univ. Vol66 No.5 (1989) 517-529
  17. Surface Profile Images of Te Crystals by High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy:
    M. Shiojiri, T. Isshiki and Y. Hirota, Ultra microscopy 30 (1989) 329-336
  18. High-Resolution Electron Microscopic Observation of Crystallization and Decomposition of Amorphous Selenium Films:
    Makoto Shiojiri, Yoshihiro Hirota and Toshiyuki Isshiki, J. Electron Microscope Vol. 38 No.5 (1989) 332-339
  19. High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy of Growth and Structure of Ag-Te and Cu-Se Crystals Produced by Solid-Solid Reactions:
    Yoshihiro Hirota, Toshiyuki Isshiki, Kazuhiko Okashita and Makoto Shiojiri, J. of Crystal Growth 122 (1991) 55-77,
  20. Nitrogen Profile Study for SiON Gate Dielectrics of Advanced Dynamic Random Access Memory
    S. Murakawa, M. Takeuchi, M. Honda, S. Ishizuka, T. Nakanishi, Y. Hirota, T. Sugawara, Y. Tanaka, Y. Akasaka, A. Teramoto, S. Sugawa, and T. Ohmi, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 47, 5380 (2008).
  21. Effect of microwave plasma treatment on silicon dioxide films grown by atomic layer deposition at low temperature
    T. Tanimura, Y. Watanabe, Y. Sato, Y. Kabe, and Y. Hirota, J. Appl. Phys. 113, 064102 (2013).
  22. Low nickel germanide contact resistances by carrier activation enhancement techniques for germanium CMOS application
    Hidenori Miyoshi, Tetsuji Ueno, Yoshihiro Hirota, Junji Yamanaka, Keisuke Arimoto, Kiyokazu Nakagawa, and Takanobu Kaitsuka, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 53 04EA05 (2014)

Abstract, Proceeding, Transaction of International Technology Conference
  1. HRTEM Observation of R- and J- type Ferrites in Cellular Random System
    M. Shiojiri, T. Maeda, Y. Hirota, T. Isshiki and S. Sekimoto
    Abstracts of 3rd Chinese-Japanese Electron Microscopy Seminar (Hanzhou, China, 1985) 4p-01
  2. HRTEM Observation of Cu-Te Crystal Growth by Reaction of Cu- Films and Te Films:
    M. Shiojiri, T. Isshiki, K. Okashita, Y. Hirota, T. Maeda and S. Sekimoto
    Abstracts of Beijing Symposium on Electron Microscopy (Beijing, China, 1986) p63
  3. A High-Resolution Electron Microscopic Study of a Solid-Solid Reaction of Cu with Se in Thin Film:
    M. Shiojiri, Y. Hirota, K. Okashita and S. Sekimoto
    Abstracts of Hawaii Seminar on Electron Microscopy (Honolulu Hawaii, USA, 1987) p23
  4. The Growth of CuSe Crystals and Structure of Cu1-xSex Crystals Produced by a Solid-Solid Reaction
    M. Shiojiri, Y. Hirota, K. Okashita and S. Sekimoto
    Abstracts of 4th Chinese-Japanese Electron Microscopy Seminar (Kunming, China, 1987) p904
  5. Improvement of CVD SiO2 by SPA Plasma Treatment
    T. Shiozawa, D. Katayama, D. Tamura, Y. Kabe, T. Kobayashi, Y. Sato, Y. Hirota, and N. Yamamoto,
    Proceedings of International Symposium on Dry Process, 2009, p. 177
  6. Improvement of CVD SiO2 by Post Deposition Microwave Plasma Treatment
    Kohki Nagata, Hiroaki Akamatsu, Daisuke Kosemura, Tetsuya Yoshida, Munehisa Takei, Maki Hattori, Atsushi Ogura, Tomoyuki Koganezawa, Masatake Machida, Jin-young Son, Ichiro Hirosawa, Toshihiko Shiozawa, Daisuke Katayama, Yoshihiro Sato, and Yoshihiro Hirota
    ECS Trans. 2009 19(9): 45-51;
  7. Suppression Mechanism of Volume Shrinkage for SOG Film by Plasma Treatment
    Daisuke Kosemura, Munehisa Takei, Hiroaki Akamatsu, Maki Hattori, Tomoyuki Koganezawa, Masatake Machida, Jin-Young Son, Ichirou Hirosawa, Tatsuo Nishita, Toshihiko Shiozawa, Daisuke Katayama, Yoshihiro Sato, Yoshihiro Hirota, and Atsushi Ogura
    ECS Trans. 2010 28(2): 347-354
  8. Evaluation of Properties of SiO2 Films Fabricated by Plasma Oxidation
    Takuya Yamaguchi, Kohki Nagata, Atsushi Ogura, Tomoyuki Koganezawa, Ichiro Hirosawa, Yoshiro Kabe, Yoshihiro Sato, Shuuichi Ishizuka, and Yoshihiro Hirota
    ECS Trans. 2011 41(3): 169-175;
  9. Enhanced Carrier Activation by B and Sb/P Doping for Ge CMOSFET
    T. Ueno, H. Miyoshi, Y. Hirota, J. Yamanaka, K. Arimoto, K. Nakagawa, Y.
    Hoshi, Y. Shiraki, and T. Kaitsuka,
    Ext. Abstr. Int. Conf. Solid State Devices and Materials, 2012, p. 22.
  10. Evaluation of Stress Induced by Plasma Assisted ALD SiN Film
    Kohki Nagata, Masaya Nagasaka, Takuya Yamaguchi, Atsushi Ogura, Hiroshi Oji, Jin-Young Son, Ichiro Hirosawa, Yoshimasa Watanabe, and Yoshihiro Hirota
    ECS Trans. 2013 53(3): 51-56;
  11. Low NiGe Contact Resistances by Carrier Activation Enhancement (CAE) Techniques for Ge CMOSFETs
    Hidenori Miyoshi, Tetsuji Ueno, Yoshihiro Hirota, Junji Yamanaka, Keisuke Arimoto, Kiyokazu Nakagawa and Takanobu Kaitsuka
    Ext. Abstr. Int. Conf. Solid State Devices and Materials, 2013, p. 598.
  12. In-situ Contact Formation for Ultra-low Contact Resistance NiGe Using Carrier Activation Enhancement (CAE) Techniques for Ge CMOS
    H. Miyoshi, T. Ueno, K. Akiyama, Y. Hirota, and T. Kaitsuka
    VLSI Technology Digest of Technical (2014) p146 (T16-4)
  13. Effect of Plasma Process for Sidewall SiO2 Film
    Tatsuhiko Tanimura, Hsiao Chihhsiang, Koji Akiyama, Yoshihiro Hirota, *Jun Sato and Takanobu Kaitsuka
    ISSM2014 proceedings PO-44

  1. BaxK2-xFexTi6-xO13結晶の高分解能電子顕微鏡観察:
    一色俊之、広田良浩、前田尚志、関本 順、塩尻 詢、
  2. BaTi2-xSnxFe4O11結晶構造と磁性:
    前田尚志、一色俊之、広田良浩、関本 順、塩尻 詢、池田靖訓、岩内幸蔵
  3. ジルコニア結晶の高分解能電子顕微鏡観察:
    広田良浩、一色俊之、前田尚志、関本 順、塩尻 詢、
  4. BaxK2-xFexTi6-xO13結晶の高分解能電子顕微鏡観察:
    一色俊之、広田良浩、前田尚志、関本 順、塩尻 詢、池田靖訓、岩内幸蔵
  5. Cu-Te系結晶の固相反応成長:
    岡下和彦、一色俊之、広田良浩、前田尚志、関本 順、塩尻 詢、
  6. 安定化ジルコニア結晶の高分解能電子顕微鏡観察:
    広田良浩、一色俊之、前田尚志、関本 順、塩尻 詢、
  7. テルル薄膜結晶の電子顕微鏡観察:
    一色俊之、広田良浩、塩尻 詢、
  8. Cu-Te系結晶の表面と粒界の電子顕微鏡観察:
    岡下和彦、一色俊之、広田良浩、前田尚志、関本 順、塩尻 詢、
  9. セレン薄膜の高分解能電子顕微鏡観察:
    広田良浩、一色俊之、塩尻 詢、
  10. 固-固反応で成長したCu-Te系結晶の粒界と表面の高分解能電子顕微鏡観察:
    岡下和彦、一色俊之、広田良浩、前田尚志、関本 順、塩尻 詢
  11. テルル薄膜結晶の粒界の電子顕微鏡観察:
    一色俊之、広田良浩、塩尻 詢
  12. 銅とセレン薄膜の固-固反応の原子格子的研究:
    広田良浩、岡下和彦、一色俊之、関本 順、塩尻 詢
  13. 固相反応成長したCu-Se系結晶の電子顕微鏡観察:
    広田良浩、岡下和彦、関本 順、塩尻 詢
  14. セレン非結晶薄膜の構造:
    岡下和彦、広田良浩、塩尻 詢
  15. 非結晶セレン膜の構造:
    塩尻 詢、岡下和彦、広田良浩、一色俊之
  16. 温度ストレスによるAl/Siコンタクト抵抗の経時変化:(Behavior of Al/Si Contact Resistance by Thermal Stress)
    廣田良浩、堀井 忠、光嶋康一、土井淳雅
    第49回応用物理学会学術講演会 (1988)

Tutorial, lecture and Education etc.

ナノテスティング学会 ナノテスティングシンポジウム
国立交通大学(台湾) 招待講義
Open Tech Symposium 2018, Kyoto Institute of Technology
精密工学会・プラナリゼーションCMPとその応用技術専門委員会 サマーキャンプ
SNIA日本支部 次世代不揮発メモリ分科会
京都工芸繊維大学 半導体メモリデバイス特別講座
第67回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 招待講演(COVID-19, 出版のみ)
精密工学会 再招待(COVID-19,未実施)
NEDIA、第1回 電子デバイス研修講座 (中級編)
26th ASP DAC (Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference): Tutorial
NEDIA、第2回 電子デバイス研修講座 (中級編)
京都工芸繊維大学 半導体メモリデバイス特別講座
NEDIA、第3回 電子デバイス研修講座 (中級編)
NEDIA、第4回 電子デバイス研修講座 (中級編)
精密工学会・プラナリゼーションCMPとその応用技術専門委員会・CMP技術サマーキャンプ 2022
NEDIA、第5回 電子デバイス研修講座 (中級編)
京都工芸繊維大学、Home Coming Week 『工繊から社会へ』
精密工学会・プラナリゼーションCMPとその応用技術専門委員会・CMP技術ウインターキャンプ 2022
NEDIA、第6回 電子デバイス研修講座 (中級編)
精密工学会・プラナリゼーションCMPとその応用技術専門委員会・CMP技術サマーキャンプ 2023

No. 文献番号 出願番号 出願日 公知日 発明の名称
1 特開2002-190536 特願2001-003960 2001/1/11 2002/7/5 半導体記憶装置、その製造方法及び半導体記憶装置の駆動方法
2 特許3283872 特願2001-114291 2001/4/12 2002/5/20 半導体記憶装置、その製造方法及び半導体記憶装置の駆動方法
3 特開2002-057536 特願2001-156862 2001/5/25 2002/2/22 アナログ・インバータ回路
4 特開2001-324520 特願2001-054461 2001/2/28 2001/11/22 インピーダンス検出回路、インピーダンス検出装置、及びインピーダンス検出方法
5 特開2001-124807 特願2000-260622 2000/8/30 2001/5/11 静電容量-電圧変換装置及び変換方法
6 特開2001-094408 特願2000-217324 2000/7/18 2001/4/6 静電容量型センサ、半導体製造装置および液晶表示素子製造装置
7 特開2001-091205 特願2000-217893 2000/7/18 2001/4/6 物体搭載装置
8 特開2001-035327 特願平11-208153 1999/7/22 2001/2/9 静電容量型近接センサ
9 特開2000-304789 特願平11-110047 1999/4/16 2000/11/2 インピーダンス/電圧変換装置
10 特開2000-304786 特願平11-110021 1999/4/16 2000/11/2 インピーダンス/電圧変換装置及びその変換方法
11 特開2000-180498 特願平10-355947 1998/12/15 2000/6/30 半導体装置の評価方法
12 特開2000-055956 特願平10-226931 1998/8/11 2000/2/25 微小容量測定システム及びプロービングシステム
13 特表2001-510580 特願平11-542367 1999/2/19 1999/8/26 容量検出システム及び方法
14 特表2001-525071 特願平11-542366 1999/2/19 1999/8/26 物理変量の検出装置及び方法
15 特表2000-514200 特願平11-540247 1999/1/22 1999/8/12 インピーダンス-電圧変換装置及び変換方法
16 特表2000-515253 特願平11-538166 1999/1/22 1999/7/29 静電容量-電圧変換装置及び変換方法
17 特開平11-108975 特願平09-269847 1997/10/2 1999/4/23 容量/電圧変換回路及び容量変化検出型センサ装置
18 特開平11-023609 特願平09-179550 1997/7/4 1999/1/29 静電容量型センサ回路
19 特開平11-023608 特願平09-179549 1997/7/4 1999/1/29 静電容量型センサ回路
20 特開平10-190437 特願平09-255178 1997/9/19 1998/7/21 レベルシフト回路
21 特開平10-074791 特願平08-231114 1996/8/30 1998/3/17 半導体装置
22 特開平10-009892 特願平08-185584 1996/6/26 1998/1/16 センサ回路
23 特開平09-321228 特願平08-159019 1996/5/30 1997/12/12 半導体装置の容量素子の配線構造
24 特開平09-289286 特願平08-100953 1996/4/23 1997/11/4 半導体装置の容量素子
25 特開平09-145774 特願平07-305380 1995/11/24 1997/6/6 デバイス劣化評価用半導体装置及びそれを用いたデバイス劣化評価方法
26 特開平09-082962 特願平07-240217 1995/9/19 1997/3/28 入出力保護回路
27 特開平09-074123 特願平07-226851 1995/9/4 1997/3/18 容量評価用半導体装置及び容量素子評価方法
28 特開平09-074122 特願平07-226850 1995/9/4 1997/3/18 半導体装置における容量測定パタ-ン及び容量測定方法
29 特開平08-181306 特願平06-318022 1994/12/21 1996/7/12 MOS型半導体装置
30 特開平08-181081 特願平06-318023 1994/12/21 1996/7/12 半導体装置の製造方法
31 特開平08-055892 特願平06-193089 1994/8/17 1996/2/27 配線抵抗測定用半導体装置
32 特開平08-005706 特願平06-135599 1994/6/17 1996/1/12 劣化評価用半導体装置
33 特開平07-066400 特願平05-235820 1993/8/27 1995/3/10 半導体装置及びその製造方法
34 特開平07-066263 特願平05-211952 1993/8/26 1995/3/10 多層金属配線の接触抵抗測定方法並びに半導体装置及び半導体ウエハ
35 特開平07-045697 特願平05-190252 1993/7/30 1995/2/14 半導体装置の製造方法
36 特開平07-029952 特願平05-171561 1993/7/12 1995/1/31 半導体装置及びこれを用いたアライメント検査方法
37 特開平06-268162 特願平05-055338 1993/3/16 1994/9/22 半導体装置及びその製造方法

US Patents 
No. Pat No. Priority Filed Published Title
1 US8258571B2? 2007/6/21
2008/6/20 2012/9/4 MOS semiconductor memory device having charge storage region formed from stack of insulating films
2 US7161360B2 1999-07-22
2004/12/3 2007/1/9 Electrostatic capacitance sensor, electrostatic capacitance sensor component, object mounting body and object mounting apparatus
3 US8318614B2? 2007/3/26
2008/3/25 2012/11/27 Method for forming silicon nitride film, method for manufacturing nonvolatile semiconductor memory device, nonvolatile semiconductor memory device and plasma apparatus
4 US20110053381A1 2008/2/8
2010/8/4 2011/3/3 Method for modifying insulating film with plasma
5 US20120184107A1? 2009/9/30
2010/9/29 2012/7/19 Semiconductor device manufacturing method
6 US7176706B2? 2000/11/2
2007/2/13 2007/2/13 Capacitance measurement method of micro structures of integrated circuits
7 US20170287727A1 2014/9/25
2015/7/10 2017/10/5 Metal hard mask and method of manufacturing same
8 US20140034893A1 2012/8/2
2013/8/2 2014/2/6 Switch device and crossbar memory array using same
9 US20140038430A1 2012/8/1
2013/7/18 2014/2/6 Method for processing object
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